In different phases of the evolution of mankind, there are some things in common. Among these, the desire to express or communicate is one. Right from the early age to modern times the need for communication in humans remained symbolic. The early humans in the stone age, and the Neolithic eras used to express themselves with cave paintings, and rock carvings. This would mostly feature scenes of animal hunting or worshipping. The series of signs used by these people has always gained the attention of researchers & enthusiasts. These signs found around the world had similar patterns.
Then slowly gradually Letters, books, Newspapers, telephones, radio, gramophones, telegrams & the world of Cinema came into existence & different set of content was created & catered by humans to fellow human beings as per time & their needs. Radio, Telephone, and Cinemascope are still considered the most intriguing mediums for consuming content.
The way Radio connected with people of all age groups through its variety is simply awesome. The same goes for Newspapers & later with Television content. Their set of content still continues to engage us in some way or the other. They are competing in the digital world. So content has evolved through various channels & mediums over a period of time.
The process is on & the content keeps brewing!