Go Digital, Reach Global!
The hierarchy of the content pyramid has been shaken since the inception of social media & digital platforms. Before that content was pretty specific, structured & organised (mainly in Print, Radio & TV later). Currently, social media covers the majority of the media & personal space.
This makes it a dicey situation when we think of content on social media in particular. The virtual world is beaming with crisp & eye-catchy stuff altogether. Which has definitely impacted the remaining channels of communication. This is very evident because all the traditional mediums of communication & information are investing their time & worth to up their presence on social/digital media.
On the part of reach & speed, the social media there is no comparison. Thus digital platforms need to emphasize the credibility, quality & authenticity of the content, which has been a major issue since its inception. Fake & parody accounts are painting the digital space in black & red. Which has created more social & psychological issues among the masses. These issues are taking a toll on the younger generation the most.
The other way around if we consider the content on digital from the perspective of Public Relations it's genuinely worth it. The percentage of content consumption in virtual space has increased drastically. So we have to consider the magnitude of digital content & its dynamic nature.
The mantra of the new age is, "Go Digital, Reach Global !"